Why NGS – why now?

Nowadays, next generation sequencing (NGS) has proven to play an increasingly important role in clinical decision- making –moving towards personalized medicine– where large-scale genomic information may critically help in the selection of the most appropriate/effective treatment modality for an individual patient.

Therefore, it is becoming more important for clinical and biomedical research professionals to become familiar with NGS technologies and how they can be implemented for better understanding of a patient’s disease and clinical course.

WHAT will I learn in this course?



NGS technologies, currently available solutions, the potential applications in the clinical and research fields, as well as NGS data formats & analysis tools.


the essential resources and databases available for analyzing sequencing data and handling data interpretation.


the different steps of NGS data quality evaluation and analysis.


NGS in your clinical routine and/or advance your research.


The NGS Master Class is organized in 1 pre-course background and 5 modules covering the topics below. Then, each module is organized by increasing complexity, from basic to more advanced contents.

WHO is this course for?

This is a multidisciplinary training designed for clinical and biomedical research professionals, who are seeking to become familiar, and in the near future experts, with NGS technologies and are willing to apply into their routine clinical practice, labs, and research projects.

HOW is this course working?


The master class is going virtual and will make use of the online training platform Moodle, hosted by the University of Helsinki.


The course will consist of pre-recorded lectures that will be gradually released according to the scheduled timeline. Additional supporting course materials will be provided.

Q & A

Participants are expected to view the pre-recordings after which they can post questions that will be addressed either in the eForum and the live Q&A sessions.


At the end of each module, a short assessment will be opened and should be performed by each participant in order to get the certificate.


The NEMHESYS programme will offer a mobility opportunity to selected participants from 1st and 2nd edition, in order to increase their knowledge and experience in the NGS field.

WHEN is this course taking place?


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NEMHESYS – NGS Establishment in Multidisciplinary Healthcare Education System


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