MOBILITY opportunities

Within the NEMHESYS programme it is planned that selected participants belonging to the partner universities who have completed the course, will be offered short-term placements at one of the academic institutions involved in the consortium.

Placements are being adapted due to covid-19 restrictions, and more information will be made available during the programme.

Participants from the partner universities that are particularly interested in the placements, please register your interest in the following application form where you will be requested to select and rank your top 2 – 3 mobility choices, to submit a short CV and a short letter stating why you want to do a mobility visit and what you might hope to gain from the placement. Should you have any questions, please contact us on

Partner universities: Masaryk Univ. (BRNO, Czech Republic), Univ. Salamanca (SALAMANCA, Spain), Queen’s Univ. Belfast (BELFAST,
UK), Charité – Univ. Medicine Berlin (BERLIN, Germany), Univ. of Helsinki (HELSINKI, Finland).

Mobility Call & Programmes overview

Hands-on workshop on Basic Skills in NGS: ‘from PB sample to the Report’.


Workshop on the Analysis of Real World NGS Data.
Workshop on Precision Medicine and Blood Cancer Diagnosis.


Workshop on ‘4th Generation’ NGS: Oxford Nanopore Technology.


Workshop on Single Cell Sequencing Analytics.

NEMHESYS – NGS Establishment in Multidisciplinary Healthcare Education System


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